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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
world stopped

The day..this world stopped for me..
I saw the things which were never there,
and couldn't see the pain which was once everywhere..
I saw the day smiling with me,
which was once laughing at me..
The day..this world stopped for me....
The day..this world stopped for me..
I could feel that love which was never seen,
could feel the rain which was within..
I could dream the day made for me,
in which, it had a 'you', a 'me' and a 'we'..
The day..this world stopped for me....
The day..this world stopped for me..
no war was there, it had blasts neither,
peace, pleasure and happiness in all weather....
I heard....
a call, saying..wake up, again and again..
I heard....
a voice, saying..rise up, again and again,
It was the day this world stopped for me....
Now..it's clear to me what to do..
clear to me how to do..why to do..
time to run for the dreams..fight for the dreams..
wake up for the dreams..
It was the day which was made for me..
the day..on which this world stopped for me....
Lost your Keys? No problem
We use Locks for each and every thing that we want to keep safe.These Locks have always been useful, but we cannot forget the days when our keys have been lost and we have no other option left than to break it.
There is also another important thing to take care is that there are many persons who are very well versed in handling with all kinds of locks. They can easily open your lock ,by their own technique.The your valuable things will no more be yours.
Then how to take care of your valuable things? Yes you can! When you use keyless lock.
What are these Key less Lock? These are all the rage among home buyers. Would you like to have one of these on your house? I suppose you can always loose your key, but you always have your finger.
These keyless lock are more secure than the ordinary locks because they use fingerprints of you and your family.With these keyless lock you can be sure that only your family members or those whom you authorize can only have access with the lock.
These keyless lock are more useful with the children because they are more prone to loss the keys. Do you know that you can program people to allow them temporary access during specific times.So with these Keyless locks your money,things and valuables are always safe.
There is also another important thing to take care is that there are many persons who are very well versed in handling with all kinds of locks. They can easily open your lock ,by their own technique.The your valuable things will no more be yours.
Then how to take care of your valuable things? Yes you can! When you use keyless lock.
What are these Key less Lock? These are all the rage among home buyers. Would you like to have one of these on your house? I suppose you can always loose your key, but you always have your finger.
These keyless lock are more secure than the ordinary locks because they use fingerprints of you and your family.With these keyless lock you can be sure that only your family members or those whom you authorize can only have access with the lock.
These keyless lock are more useful with the children because they are more prone to loss the keys. Do you know that you can program people to allow them temporary access during specific times.So with these Keyless locks your money,things and valuables are always safe.
It seems to be a good logical answer.
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."
"Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber. " What happens, is, people do not come to me. "
"Exactly!"-affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."
It seems to be a good logical answer.
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."
"Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber. " What happens, is, people do not come to me. "
"Exactly!"-affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
credit Card woos.
Credit Card companies can cut costs in the way called credit Card Swiping Cafe.
With a majority of Credit card companies having losses, if I am not wrong, then this is a good idea. I believe, this will definitely result in savings to the companies
The Credit Card companies value the currency or money in terms of plastic, so it would not be wrong to say that it values the money as good as peanuts(credit repair).
So even if the Savings for the Credit Card companies are in peanuts from the Credit Card Swiping Cafes, the Credit Card Swiping Cafes (CCSC) ought to still become a reality.
So a better alternative for them would be a swiping cafe setup at quite a few places so that the expense of the Credit Card companies can be reduced(clean credit).
Will it not make sense. If the Credit card companies want to popularize the use of Credit cards they would have to make an investment for the long term.They can't wait for every vendor to have a Credit card system or they will never grow their business.
Why should consumer pay 1% extra fee anyways? He is already paying exorbitant interest rates. He might as well pay cash and save 3%(fix credit).
This is an interesting idea, unfortunately, I don't think its gonna work.In a country where people die of starvation, peanuts are sometimes the only bread and butter for the day. So peanuts should be valued.
But this would result in some savings for sure.Now what exactly is a Credit Card Swiping Cafe:
Normally a Credit card companies takes around 2% in every transaction and the customer gives or rather pays 2%.
Instead, in this the customer pays 3%, 2% of which is to the Credit Card Company and 1% to the person who provides the swiping service. CCSC are those which would be set up like the cyber cafe. The person running the CCSC will generally have types of people entering in his premises.
a) the business person
b) the end-user
c) the law-enforcing agencies
The CCSC will have at least one Credit card swiping machine. The end-users who wish to buy a particular product or service {nowadays service is also regarded as a form of business} from the business companies, selling the product and/or service will visit the cafe along with the business owner or the Business Owner can send someone.
Both will carry their identity proof, the end-user will get the card swiped at the CCSC at an extra 3% and make the payment to the business owner.
The CCSC owner will note down the identification details.why would the seller not have a card terminal at his own premises?The seller most definitely can but he need not at an urgency.
I believe all Credit card companies are complaining of not doing good business.Add to it the fact that they use very harsh steps on people to extract money.Now the swiping machines do cost something and are not free.If the Credit card companies give it for free they are at a loss. Also the Credit card companies also provide the service on the swiping machine free of cost to the seller.So a better alternative for them would be a swiping cafe setup at quite a few places so that the expense of the Credit Card companies can be reduced.
With a majority of Credit card companies having losses, if I am not wrong, then this is a good idea. I believe, this will definitely result in savings to the companies
The Credit Card companies value the currency or money in terms of plastic, so it would not be wrong to say that it values the money as good as peanuts(credit repair).
So even if the Savings for the Credit Card companies are in peanuts from the Credit Card Swiping Cafes, the Credit Card Swiping Cafes (CCSC) ought to still become a reality.
So a better alternative for them would be a swiping cafe setup at quite a few places so that the expense of the Credit Card companies can be reduced(clean credit).
Will it not make sense. If the Credit card companies want to popularize the use of Credit cards they would have to make an investment for the long term.They can't wait for every vendor to have a Credit card system or they will never grow their business.
Why should consumer pay 1% extra fee anyways? He is already paying exorbitant interest rates. He might as well pay cash and save 3%(fix credit).
This is an interesting idea, unfortunately, I don't think its gonna work.In a country where people die of starvation, peanuts are sometimes the only bread and butter for the day. So peanuts should be valued.
But this would result in some savings for sure.Now what exactly is a Credit Card Swiping Cafe:
Normally a Credit card companies takes around 2% in every transaction and the customer gives or rather pays 2%.
Instead, in this the customer pays 3%, 2% of which is to the Credit Card Company and 1% to the person who provides the swiping service. CCSC are those which would be set up like the cyber cafe. The person running the CCSC will generally have types of people entering in his premises.
a) the business person
b) the end-user
c) the law-enforcing agencies
The CCSC will have at least one Credit card swiping machine. The end-users who wish to buy a particular product or service {nowadays service is also regarded as a form of business} from the business companies, selling the product and/or service will visit the cafe along with the business owner or the Business Owner can send someone.
Both will carry their identity proof, the end-user will get the card swiped at the CCSC at an extra 3% and make the payment to the business owner.
The CCSC owner will note down the identification details.why would the seller not have a card terminal at his own premises?The seller most definitely can but he need not at an urgency.
I believe all Credit card companies are complaining of not doing good business.Add to it the fact that they use very harsh steps on people to extract money.Now the swiping machines do cost something and are not free.If the Credit card companies give it for free they are at a loss. Also the Credit card companies also provide the service on the swiping machine free of cost to the seller.So a better alternative for them would be a swiping cafe setup at quite a few places so that the expense of the Credit Card companies can be reduced.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It was 9:00 pm. Ankitha was getting ready for dinner when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and was surprised to see 2 policemen.
“Mrs. Sharma”?
Madam, your husband has met with an accident. He is admitted in a hospital.
Ankitha stood speechless. She started to weep. The policemen felt sympathy towards her they comforted her and took her in the van.
On the way she began to think about Aneesh Sharma. Aneesh Sharma Her college mate, her best friend, her competitor and now her soul mate. They fell in love and after completion of their education, got married.
For last17 years they had led a very simple meaningful, normal life. But slowly things began to change.
Aneesh would come home late. He used to show his frustrations on her. She began to doubt Aneesh.
It was on one such occasion when she met Aneesh’s colleague in a grocery store.
Hello Mr. Kapoor how r u?
I am Fine, What about you?
I am also fine. Its seems the work is hectic
What! Who said this?
I felt it because Aneesh always comes home late and goes early in the morning.
I am sorry to say this Mrs. Sharma, Your husband has lost a job .It seems he and Anita were having affair.
This was the biggest blow in Ankitha’s life. In the evening there was argument, which led to quarrel, and suddenly Aneesh gave a tight slap on ankitha’s face.
After that incident both of them neither spoke to one another. A week passed. Aneesh felt guilty of slapping Ankitha n she felt guilty of starting the argument. Both never spoke.
One day when Ankitha was purchasing vegetables some one from behind called her. “Mrs. Sharma”.
She was slim, fair, beautiful not less than 30 years. Mrs. Sharma I am anitha. Her whole body began to drench in fire when she heard her name. But she composed herself and took Anita to a nearby restaurant.
After accusing and rebuking Anita she sat down n began to drink water, suddenly Anita spoke up in a calm and composed manner
Sharma Aunty you are like my mother. Infect as you said there was a relationship between and sir. Yes. He was, is still a father to me
It was he who found out that the guy with whom I was going was a rouge. He did not have any good character. I wanted to leave him but he did not leave me. He began to follow me wherever I went. When I told this to sir, he came to my rescue. Unfortunately the guy turned to be the MD son. It was because of this Sir and me were suspended from the company. And his son spread the rumor that we were having affair.
Every day Sir would come to my house in the morning to check my safety we would attend the interviews and in the evenings we would be back. He really felt bad for his behaviour. Luckily Sir got a job today in a reputed firm. I came to convey this
How do u know I am Mrs. Sharma?
Aunty, Sir always carries your photograph in his wallet. Then she spoke in a soft matured voice.
Aunty, the whole world may speak ill of him. How could you believe it? You know him from such a long time. Sir is what he was before. He is not changed .In fact when I was frightened or lost my confidence, he would tell about your strong determination, never give up attitude which would be an inspiration to me.
Sir is always yours, was always yours, will be always yours. Saying this she went away.
Tears came from Ankitha’s eyes. Tears of gratitude, Shameful tears. She let it flow. She remembered how she fought with him.
How could I face him? Anyways I will still beg for my forgiveness. He will forgive me or not? Thoughts kept on creeping in her eyes.
They reached the hospital. Mrs. Sharma I am sorry to say, your husband is in critical condition. This shattered her completely. Slowly she entered ICU.
Aneesh she said in an apologetic tone. I am sorry for what has happened. I am extremely sorry for hurting you. You are my friend, guide, philosopher, and my soul mate. I should not have trusted anyone except you. Please forgive me Aneesh. Will you? I am waiting for you
courtesy- Sudha
“Mrs. Sharma”?
Madam, your husband has met with an accident. He is admitted in a hospital.
Ankitha stood speechless. She started to weep. The policemen felt sympathy towards her they comforted her and took her in the van.
On the way she began to think about Aneesh Sharma. Aneesh Sharma Her college mate, her best friend, her competitor and now her soul mate. They fell in love and after completion of their education, got married.
For last17 years they had led a very simple meaningful, normal life. But slowly things began to change.
Aneesh would come home late. He used to show his frustrations on her. She began to doubt Aneesh.
It was on one such occasion when she met Aneesh’s colleague in a grocery store.
Hello Mr. Kapoor how r u?
I am Fine, What about you?
I am also fine. Its seems the work is hectic
What! Who said this?
I felt it because Aneesh always comes home late and goes early in the morning.
I am sorry to say this Mrs. Sharma, Your husband has lost a job .It seems he and Anita were having affair.
This was the biggest blow in Ankitha’s life. In the evening there was argument, which led to quarrel, and suddenly Aneesh gave a tight slap on ankitha’s face.
After that incident both of them neither spoke to one another. A week passed. Aneesh felt guilty of slapping Ankitha n she felt guilty of starting the argument. Both never spoke.
One day when Ankitha was purchasing vegetables some one from behind called her. “Mrs. Sharma”.
She was slim, fair, beautiful not less than 30 years. Mrs. Sharma I am anitha. Her whole body began to drench in fire when she heard her name. But she composed herself and took Anita to a nearby restaurant.
After accusing and rebuking Anita she sat down n began to drink water, suddenly Anita spoke up in a calm and composed manner
Sharma Aunty you are like my mother. Infect as you said there was a relationship between and sir. Yes. He was, is still a father to me
It was he who found out that the guy with whom I was going was a rouge. He did not have any good character. I wanted to leave him but he did not leave me. He began to follow me wherever I went. When I told this to sir, he came to my rescue. Unfortunately the guy turned to be the MD son. It was because of this Sir and me were suspended from the company. And his son spread the rumor that we were having affair.
Every day Sir would come to my house in the morning to check my safety we would attend the interviews and in the evenings we would be back. He really felt bad for his behaviour. Luckily Sir got a job today in a reputed firm. I came to convey this
How do u know I am Mrs. Sharma?
Aunty, Sir always carries your photograph in his wallet. Then she spoke in a soft matured voice.
Aunty, the whole world may speak ill of him. How could you believe it? You know him from such a long time. Sir is what he was before. He is not changed .In fact when I was frightened or lost my confidence, he would tell about your strong determination, never give up attitude which would be an inspiration to me.
Sir is always yours, was always yours, will be always yours. Saying this she went away.
Tears came from Ankitha’s eyes. Tears of gratitude, Shameful tears. She let it flow. She remembered how she fought with him.
How could I face him? Anyways I will still beg for my forgiveness. He will forgive me or not? Thoughts kept on creeping in her eyes.
They reached the hospital. Mrs. Sharma I am sorry to say, your husband is in critical condition. This shattered her completely. Slowly she entered ICU.
Aneesh she said in an apologetic tone. I am sorry for what has happened. I am extremely sorry for hurting you. You are my friend, guide, philosopher, and my soul mate. I should not have trusted anyone except you. Please forgive me Aneesh. Will you? I am waiting for you
courtesy- Sudha
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